
Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E: The Ultimate Comparison Guide

Stable Diffusion and Dall-E are two of the most popular AI image generator tools out there with millions of users. 

While both are text-to-image generator tools, they both have many differences and similarities across different factors such as prompting, image quality, pricing, and more. 

In this ultimate Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E showdown, I’ll be comparing both these AI image generators across various categories and see which one comes out on top. 

This comparison guide will help you choose the best text-to-image tool for your needs and requirements. 

That being said, let’s jump straight in. 

What is Stable Diffusion? 

Stable Diffusion is a generative AI model developed by Stability AI that lets you generate images using text-based prompts. 

The first Stable Diffusion model was launched in 2022 and since then, multiple models have been trained and launched by the Stability AI team. 

The original Stable Diffusion checkpoint model was trained on a dataset of over 2 billion images collected by LAION

How To Use Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion can primarily be used offline locally by installing it on your computer. Any device with a powerful enough GPU can run Stable Diffusion offline with the help of various Web UIs such as Automatic1111 and ComfyUI

Automatic1111 WebU

Besides this, there are also online tools that can be used to run Stable Diffusion. The official tool by Stability AI to run Stable Diffusion is DreamStudio but other tools and Stable Diffusion websites like ClipDrop and NightCafe are also available. 

What is Dall-E?

Dall-E is a text-to-image generation model developed by OpenAI. It’s a similar generative AI model allowing users to generate images using text-based prompts. 

It was launched in 2021 and uses deep learning models and large language models (LLM) such as GPT3. 

Unlike Stable Diffusion where we know the dataset used for training, OpenAI has been quiet on the dataset used to train Dall-E. But it’s clear that they used their OpenAI database to train it. 

How To Use Dall-E?

Dall-E can only be used online through ChatGPT, Bing Image Creator, or by using Bing Chat. The Dall-E model cannot be downloaded and used offline or locally on your device. 

Bing Image Creator

To use Dall-E in ChatGPT, you’ll need a subscription to ChatGPT Plus which costs $20/month and gives you access to Dall-E 3. 

However, you can use Dall-E for free using the Bing Image Creator and the difference in output between this and Dall-E in ChatGPT Plus is almost the same. 

Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E Overview

Before we get into our detailed Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E comparison, here’s a table giving an overview of the two.

Dall-EStable Diffusion
Accessibility Can be accessed through Bing Image Creator and ChatGPT onlyCan be accessed through plenty of websites and web GUIs available
Ease of Use Very easy useEasy to use but requires understanding of certain features
PricingFree on Bing Image Creator
$20/mo on ChatGPT Plus
Free to use locally & on certain sites
PromptingFollows the prompt closely generating accurate imagesRequires proper prompting to generate desired image
Styles Can generate a few styles accuratelyCan generate plenty of styles accurately
Control & PowerCan only write prompts without any other controlCan control many aspects for image generation
Text GenerationCan generate legible text which is sharp and crispyCan generate legible text but edges can be soft
InpaintingNot supportedSupported
OutpaintingNot supportedSupported
Custom ModelsNo custom modelsThousands of community-trained custom models available
CensorshipVery strict in censoring even on some normal prompts which feels limitingNo censorship when using locally and little censorship on certain online websites
Commercial UseImages can be used commerciallyImages can be used commercially

Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E Compared

To find out which one is better Stable Diffusion and Dall-E, I’ll be comparing them both across different factors and determine the winner. Then, we’ll choose the overall winner based on who has won across most categories.

I’ll be using Dall-E in the Bing Image Creator and Stable Diffusion in Civitai using the latest official SDXL model. In both cases, 4 images will be generated and I’ll pick the best one from them to compare in the results. That being said, let’s get started. 


Prompting is one of the crucial parts of generating good images in any generative AI tool. Both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion are text-to-image generators so the use of prompts is essential. 

In Dall-E, you can write prompts like you’re writing a sentence and generate pretty good images. For example – A little puppy playing with a kitten in a park on a sunny day. 

However, in Stable Diffusion, prompts are typically broken into words (tokens) separated by commas. You don’t necessarily have to do this but it’s a common practice as it generates better results. For example – little puppy, playing with a kitten, park, sunny day. 

Let’s conduct multiple prompting tests and compare which one generates a better image. 

Test 1: Simple Portrait Photo 

In our first test, we’ll generate a simple portrait photo to see how good they are at generating realistic photos. 

Prompt Used: 

photo of a 20 year old man wearing sunglasses and a suit posing for a studio photoshoot

As you can see, I am using a full sentence without breaking the prompt into commas for both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion. Moreover, I’ll also not use any negative prompt in Stable Diffusion. 

Here are the results: 

In Dall-E, all four results generated were out of frame whereas Stable Diffusion generated images within the frame. 

Both the results followed the prompt closely and generated a pretty good image. 

The image generated by Dall-E looks more saturated and the skin looks washed out whereas the Stable Diffusion image gives a more realistic look. 

I found the SDXL image to be much more realistic and better than the one generated in Dall-E. 

Winner: SDXL 

Test 2: Bunny Cloud

For this test, let’s see if Dall-E and Stable Diffusion can understand this prompt and generate a more challenging image. 

Prompt Used: 

A cloud shaped like a bunny in the sky

Again, I’m using a very simple and straightforward prompt. Here are the results: 

Dall-E completely blows Stable Diffusion out of the water with this result. All 4 images generated by Dall-E were similar to the one above. 

Unfortunately, Stable Diffusion failed to follow the prompt and generated 4 images that were not what I expected. The images generated also look cartoonish and not real. 

When it comes to prompt following, Dall-E is much better. But let’s try one last prompt to decide the final winner in this category. 

Winner: Dall-E

Test 3: Stranded Alien 

For this test, I’ll tokenize the prompt by breaking it down into words separated by commas. This prompt has a lot going on in it which will be a good test to see whether Stable Diffusion and Dall-E are able to keep up with it and generate an accurate image. 

Prompt Used: 

An alien stranded on a desert, smoking Hookah, exploded spaceship in the background on fire, realistic

The results of this test are hilariously good: 

Both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion closely followed the prompt and as you can see, they generated an image where the alien is stranded and smoking a hookah with exploded spaceship in the background. 

The image generated by Dall-E looks more like fantasy art whereas Stable Diffusion has somewhat of a realistic look to it, especially in the background and the desert. 

Both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion failed to generate the hookah accurately. In the case of Dall-E, the hookah looks great but the hose is all over the place. 

On the other hand, Stable Diffusion failed to generate the hookah at all and it seems like the alien is holding the top part of it while the bottom part is not visible. And the hookah hose is nowhere to be seen. 

While I like the realism portrayed by the image generated by Stable Diffusion, I’m leaning towards Dall-E as it completely encompasses the image I expected with that prompt. 

So, again Dall-E wins for following the prompt closely in this test. 

Winner: Dall-E

Overall Winner: Dall-E

Overall, Dall-E is much better at following prompts compared to Stable Diffusion. Yes, you can describe your prompts in much detail and also use negative prompts in Stable Diffusion. 

But if we’re comparing purely on the basis of which one is better if you just want to write up a prompt and whip out an image, then Dall-E is the clear winner. 


The next stage of our Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E comparison is to test the ability to generate various styles. 

I’ve already covered a massive list of Stable Diffusion styles which showcases a wide variety of styles Stable Diffusion can generate with just the base SDXL model. Plus, there are plenty of community-trained models for Stable Diffusion for different styles. 

On the other hand, there’s not much going on for Dall-E and if you want to generate different styles, you’ll have to rely on good prompting. 

Nevertheless, let’s conduct some tests to see which one of Stable Diffusion or Dall-E is good at generating styles. 

Test 1: Isometric Style

I want to start at something more basic and see if Stable Diffuson and Dall-E are capable of generating isometric-style illustrations. 

Prompt Used: 

an isometric illustration of a cyberpunk sci-fi city

Both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E are able to generate an isometric-style image and both of them look good. 

Surprisingly, Dall-E generated a much better image which is more detailed and crisp. The image generated by Stable Diffusion doesn’t have much detail and the edges of the buildings and the city aren’t sharp. 

But this is because we’re looking at the result of the SDXL base model without a refiner. SDXL base model requires a refiner model which is responsible for adding more details. 

If we generate the same image using DreamShaper XL which is an SDXL model with both base and refiner, we get a much better image. 

But since we’re comparing the official Stable Diffusion base model with Dall-E, the winner for this test is clear. 

Winner: Dall-E

Test 2: Watercolor Painting

For this test, we’ll see if Stable Diffusion and Dall-E are capable of generating images in a watercolor painting style. 

Prompt Used: 

watercolor painting, beautiful deer, intricate background

Here are the results: 

For this test, the winner is clearly Stable Diffusion as it’s successfully able to create a watercolor painting. 

Dall-E tried its best and generated an image that resembles a watercolor painting but the floral patterns all over the deer just messes it up. All 4 four images generated had this floral pattern over the deer for some reason. 

Just using the Stable Diffusion SDXL model generated such a wonderful watercolor painting image. There are a lot of models dedicated to such image styles on Civitai which would result in even better images. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

Test 3: Silhouette Shot

Lastly, we’ll try to generate a silhouette shot to determine which one generates the better image. 

Prompt Used: 

beautiful silhouette shot of a man playing piano

The results of this test will show you why Stable Diffusion is a master at generating various styles of images. 

While both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E successfully generated a silhouette shot, the image generated by Stable Diffusion completely blows Dall-E out of the water. The composition of the shot and the framing is just impeccable. 

It’s also notable that all 4 images generated by Dall-E had a similar style with sunlight beams in the background creating a silhouette. For Stable Diffusion, all 4 output images had an almost grayscale image with a wide shot showcasing the entire subject. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

Overall Winner: Stable Diffusion 

Overall, Stable Diffusion is much better at generating various styles compared to Dall-E. While Dall-E can still generate different image styles, it isn’t accurate most of the time. 

Moreover, since Stable Diffusion has tons of models for different styles, this gives it an edge over Dall-E where you’re reliant on just prompting. 


When we talk about control, it’s the ability to fine-tune your prompt and image generation settings to get the desired image you want. 

Dall-E only lets you write a prompt and generate an image. Whether it’s good or bad, that’s all you get. If the image is not what you want, you can make changes to your prompt but that’s all. 

In comparison to this, Stable Diffusion gives you immense control over the image you generate. 

For starters, you can write a negative prompt to filter out what you don’t want to see in your image. This alone gives you a lot of control over the image you generate. 

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

In Stable Diffusion, you can also control the CFG scale which basically tells the model how closely it should follow your prompt. The higher the scale, the more closely the prompt will be followed. With a low value, the model will have more freedom on the image generated. 

Apart from this, you can control the sampling steps, aspect ratio of the image, and a lot more to get your desired image. 

Moreover, Stable Diffusion also lets you install various extensions that just widen the avenue of what you can do in it. 

You can use ControlNet and create images with a specific pose or detail. Or, you can use extensions and face swap images in Stable Diffusion

For someone who just wants to generate beautiful pictures using AI, all these fine-tuning options may be overwhelming. But if you’re using a generative AI tool for work-related purposes, you’ll find these options very useful. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

Without a doubt, Stable Diffuson wins in this category as the control and freedom it offers far outweigh the simplicity offered by Dall-E. 

At some point, generating images in Dall-E and not getting your desired result can get frustrating. 

You can avoid that completely with Stable Diffusion where you can control your prompts, image size, style, and a lot more. 


Inpainting is the process of manipulating a part of the image. For example, you can use inpainting to add birds flying in the sky to an image. 

Stable Diffusion supports inpainting and offers different inpainting features. I have a detailed guide to inpainting in Stable Diffusion which covers this topic in detail. 

The gist is that you can use Stable Diffusion to inpaint images with a lot of control. 

On the other hand, Dall-E 3 currently doesn’t support inpainting. However, Dall-E 2 does support inpainting but it’s miles behind what Stable Diffusion can do. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

The winner in this category is Stable Diffusion because all its models support inpainting whereas Dall-E currently doesn’t support this feature. 

Text Generation

Both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion are capable of generating legible text in images. However, in the case of Stable Diffusion, only the SDXL or its derivative models are capable of rendering text. 

Let’s conduct a few tests to see how Stable Diffusion and Dall-E perform at generating readable text. 

Test 1: Simple Text

First, we’ll just generate a single word on a piece of paper to see which one does a better job. 

Prompt Used: 

The word "Science" written on a piece of paper

Here are the results: 

Dall-E performs way better as it generates a beautiful image where the text is sharp and clearly visible. Moreover, the image also has scientific elements on it making it more attractive. 

Stable Diffusion also generates the text successfully but the overall image isn’t that appealing. Plus, there’s another text on the paper which isn’t legible. 

Winner: Dall-E

Test 2: Movie Poster

Now, let’s generate an image with both text and some other elements and test whether Dall-E and Stable Diffusion can keep up and generate a good image. 

Prompt Used: 

movie poster for Dune with the text "Dune" in the center, masterpiece, beautiful, poster art, high quality

Here are the results: 

Dall-E really impressed me with the results of this test as all 4 images it generated were so good that it was difficult to pick one. 

Unfortunately for Stable Diffusion, all 4 images generated by Dall-E were better than what Stable Diffusion generated. 

The images by Dall-E generated the text very clearly and the poster art itself looks stunning. While Stable Diffusion generated the text properly, the accompanying art has a more retro and vintage look to it. 

I suspect because the training data is probably referencing the old Dune books and movies that had this look. 

I also didn’t like how the image is creating the poster in the 1:1 aspect ratio in Stable Diffusion whereas Dall-E understood the prompt better and made a tall rectangular poster within the 1:1 aspect ratio. 

All in all, I liked the output from Dall-E more since it looks more like poster art compared to Stable Diffusion. 

Winner: Dall-E

Test 3: Billboard Ad

Finally, let’s test Dall-E and Stable Diffusion by generating a billboard ad with some text that’s more than just one word.

Prompt Used: 

photo of a Billboard ad for a supercar, with text "Beyond performance, a legend in motion", highly detailed

Again, Dall-E just takes my breath away with the results: 

For this test, Stable Diffusion failed to follow the prompt and generated supercars instead of a billboard ad with some text on it. The above output was generated only after I increased the CFG scale to 10. Even then, Stable Diffusion failed to generate the complete text properly. 

On the other hand, Dall-E was successfully generating stunning billboard ads and I again had a tough time choosing the best one. 

Dall-E successfully generated the text but the letters aren’t very sharp. That’s forgivable considering the entire image looks beautiful. 

Winner: Dall-E

Overall Winner: Dall-E

Dall-E completely demolishes Stable Diffusion in this category winning all 3 tests by a far margin. 

It can not only generate legible text but also create a beautiful image around whatever text you want to generate. 

Stable Diffusion is able to generate text but the results are not always attractive to look at. If it’s any consolation, I’ve come across many beautiful images with text generated by Stable Diffusion out there. You can even find some examples on their subreddit

However, many of such images were created using custom models and fine-tuning the prompt and image generation parameters. If anything, I believe Stable Diffusion can beat Dall-E in some instances where it can generate better and more believable text with the right models. 

Since we’re only comparing the official model of Stable Diffusion with Dall-E, the clear winner is Dall-E. 

Custom Models

This is the category where Stable Diffusion shines the most and is probably the strongest part of using it. 

Being open-source and completely free, you can download the official Stable Diffusion model and train it further to create derivative models. 

There are thousands of Stable Diffusion models listed on Civitai that can be used for free. You’ll find checkpoint models which are the base models that are used for image generation in Stable Diffusion. 

On top of it, Stable Diffusion also allows you to use LoRA or LyCoris models which are mini-models that add a small detail or stylistic change to an image. 

For example, if you want to generate an image of Superman with Jonah Hill’s photo, you can use a LoRa model trained to generate Jonah Hill’s face and create your image. 

Similarly, if you are generating an image in a cartoon style but want it to look like the Studio Ghibli or Disney cartoons, you can use LoRa models for that. 

This is one of the biggest advantages of Stable Diffusion as you can find tons of models for almost anything. 

On the other hand, Dall-E doesn’t have custom models or lets you use any other model for generating images. 

This also means that improvements in Dall-E would usually only happen when OpenAI releases a new version of Dall-E. With Stable Diffusion, there have already been hundreds of models derived from the SDXL model made by the community that are far better than what Stability AI released. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

In this case, it’s not even a competition between the two as Stable Diffusion gives you the freedom to use any derivative model or train your own models. 

With Dall-E, you have to work with what you get, and what you get is the official model available with every iteration of Dall-E. 

Accessibility & Ease of Use

I’ve seen many opinions floating around the Internet saying Dall-E is easier to use. While I agree with this, I have a rather contrarian opinion in the grand scheme of things. 

In this category, I want to talk about the accessibility and ease of use of both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E. 


Currently, Dall-E can be accessed through the Bing Image Creator, Bing Chat, and ChatGPT Plus if you have a subscription. 

On the other hand, there are many ways to access and use Stable Diffusion. You can use it through DreamStudio, Civitai, ClipDrop, or download it locally on your device. 

If we’re talking only about accessibility, there are far too many ways to use Stable Diffusion. You can either use it online through websites or install it on your device. 

With websites, you basically have to sign up and use it for free or by paying a subscription cost in some cases. On the other hand, to use it locally, you’d have to download one of Stable Diffusion GUI’s like Automatic1111 or ComfyUI. 

Using it locally requires you to have a powerful enough CPU and GPU so that you can generate images. 

Overall, you have so many options at your disposal to access and use Stable Diffusion. While it may be confusing and overwhelming to decide which option to go after, I still like the fact that there are multiple options open for anyone wanting to use Stable Diffusion. 

With Dall-E, you also have multiple options but Bing Image Creator and Bing Chat more or less are the same. The ability to use Dall-E in ChatGPT is another option with the added benefit of generating images while using ChatGPT. 

In this category, I’d pick Stable Diffusion as the winner of Dall-E because it can be accessed through multiple free and paid options. This wide spectrum feels welcoming to both beginners and experts wanting to get their hands dirty with generative AI. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

Ease of Use

At first use, Dall-E feels significantly easier to use than Stable Diffusion. That’s because you just have to write a prompt and it’ll generate a pretty picture for you. 

Bing Image Creator

With Stable Diffusion, you have more options such as positive and negative prompts, a sampler, sampling steps, CFG scale, seed, and whatnot. 

Civitai - Generate

While these things are very simple and easy to learn, they’re still confusing and overwhelming to someone new and inexperienced. And things get even more overwhelming if we consider the plethora of features available in Stable Diffusion. 

But, and this is a big but, since Stable Diffusion can be used through various GUIs and websites, each one offers a very unique experience. 

Automatic1111 WebU

You have the typical GUIs like Automatic1111 and ComfyUI that are easy to learn but yet a bit complicated for someone new to it. Then, there are websites like DreamStudio and Civitai which are less overwhelming but still have so many options to generate an image. 

But hidden deep in the trenches are some really good GUIs like Fooocus which is pretty much like Dall-E where you enter your prompt and generate an image. No extra options like image size, CFG scale, and all the other shenanigans unless you need it. 


While Fooocus is well-known in the Stable Diffusion community, its existence is hidden outside to users like you who are still deciding between a good AI image generator. 

This makes the situation complicated which is why I tend to have a contrarian opinion over the ease of use of Stable Diffusion. 

However, I’d still pick Dall-E as the winner in this category because despite the availability of easier GUIs for Stable Diffusion, it would still take someone a long way to discover them and that typically only happens when someone is deep into the world of Stable Diffusion. 

Winner: Dall-E

Overall Winner: Stable Diffusion 

It’s a tie in this category but I’d choose Stable Diffusion as the overall winner only because of the availability of multiple options. 

In terms of accessibility, Stable Diffusion can be accessed through websites and offline software which gives it an edge.

This wide range of websites and tools is also the reason why it’s possible for Stable Diffusion to have certain GUIs that are easier to use just like Dall-E. 

So, if you’re someone who prefers ease of use, you can use Dall-E but if you like Stable Diffusion better for its other aspects, you can get the ease of use of Dall-E in it through tools like Fooocus and Mage.space


This is a tricky subject because generative AI tools are capable of generating pretty much anything you ask them to. This means that it can be used to create inappropriate, demeaning, and offensive imagery. 

For this reason, many generative AI websites restrict any inappropriate content through word and image filters. 

Dall-E blocks any prompt that is even slightly inappropriate because it conflicts with their content policy. It gives you a warning and states that your account could be suspended if there are more violations. 

For example, I got a policy violation for using the prompt shown in the image below:

Dall-E - Policy Violation Warning

As you can see, the output of the prompt could have been sexual but I feel Dall-E is way too strict. In many cases, Dall-E blocks the prompt even if it’s something normal and is not inappropriate in nature. 

On the other hand, Stable Diffusion in Civitai successfully generated the image with the same prompt. The image generated isn’t even inappropriate or sexual in nature. 

Civitai - No Content Censorship

That’s because Civitai allows you to choose whether you want to generate mature content or not. If you turn on the Mature toggle in Civitai, then it’ll generate a more mature image which might be inappropriate. 

Civitai - Mature Content No Censorship

However, Civitai will block content that violates their policy which is “depictions of real individuals or minors, illegal or violent activities, and disrespectful or offensive content”.

Not all Stable Diffusion websites offer this level of freedom. For instance, NightCafe and Mage.space restrict image generation for certain prohibited words that are allowed on Civitai. 

But if you’re using Stable Diffusion offline locally on your device, you have no restrictions or censorship at all. You can include any words and generate anything without any censorship or restrictions. 

And since you’re running Stable Diffusion locally, your prompts and generations are local too, and hence cannot be accessed by anyone. This means you get total freedom over what you generate along with complete privacy. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion

The obvious winner in this category is Stable Diffusion as it’s more lenient with censorship on many websites and gives you full freedom to generate whatever you want when you’re running it locally. 

Dall-E, on the other hand, is way too strict and often blocks prompts that aren’t supposed to be inappropriate or sexual. This restriction can often be limiting when generating images. 


Pricing is an important aspect when choosing an AI image generator tool to use. 

Dall-E can be used for free using the Bing Image Creator but you can buy reward points for faster image generation. 

Apart from this, you can also use Dall-E by purchasing a ChatGPT Plus subscription which costs $20/month. Using Dall-E in ChatGPT will give you much faster image generation times compared to Bing Image Creator. 

Personally, I found the image generation speeds in Bing Image Creator fast enough and didn’t feel like I was waiting for long. 

On the other hand, the Stable Diffusion models are open-source and are completely free to download and use. 

Many web GUIs to use Stable Diffusion such as Automatic1111, ComfyUI, InvokeAI, and Fooocus are also completely free to use. 

All you need to make sure is that your device meets the system requirements to run Stable Diffusion

If you want to use Stable Diffusion online, websites like Civitai allow you to generate images completely for free. 

Other websites like DreamStudio, NightCafe, etc are also free but offer a paid plan as well with additional features. You can check out my detailed comparison of Stable Diffusion websites where I talk more about these websites. 

Winner: Stable Diffusion 

While both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E can be used for free, the big difference between the two is that the models made by Stable Diffusion are available for free whereas the Dall-E model isn’t free and can only be used using Bing Image Creator and ChatGPT. 

But with Stable Diffusion, once you’ve downloaded the model, you can use it on any web GUI you want or just use it online through websites. 

With that in mind, Stable Diffusion comes out on top since it’s truly free. 

Commercial Use

AI has opened a Pandora’s box and our current copyright and commercial laws have not yet caught up to how to tackle many situations. 

Since I’m not a law expert, my opinions are only based on what I’ve learned and understood about both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion. 

According to Stability AI, the Stable Diffusion models are released under the Creative ML OpenRAIL-M license which allows you to use them for commercial and non-commercial usage. 

This means whatever images you generate, the models you train using the Stable Diffusion models can be used for commercial use. 

In the case of Dall-E, OpenAI’s content policy states that whatever images you create using Dall-E can be used commercially. 

This gives you the right to reprint, sell, and merchandise any creation generated using Dall-E. 

I won’t get into the copyright laws and policies of both Dall-E and Stable Diffusion because this subject is still under discussion and there’s no concrete law or opinion on them. 

Winner: Both 

Since both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E allow you to use the generated images for commercial use, they’re both winners in this category. 

So, we’ve completed our detailed comparison of Stable Diffusion and Dall-E across different aspects. Now, let’s take a look at when you should use them. 

When Should You Use Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion is extremely powerful and has a ton of features allowing you to create all kinds of images. 

There are tons of models that can help you generate images in any style. Moreover, you can utilize extensions to get more fine control over how images are generated. 

Overall, if you’re someone who prefers to have control over the image you want to generate, then Stable Diffusion is the right option for you. 

Yes, it might have a steeper learning curve than Dall-E, but it’s worth it if you’re planning to use Stable Diffusion for professional or creative purposes. 

When Should You Use Dall-E?

Dall-E is magical in its own way where you just enter a prompt and it’s guaranteed to generate a stunning image for you. 

So, if you’re someone who doesn’t care much about control and fine-tuning and just want to quickly generate pretty pictures, then Dall-E should be your choice. 

It’s perfect for you if you don’t want to spend time learning it, browsing models, or just fine-tuning your prompt. 

Who’s The Winner: Stable Diffusion or Dall-E?

In our detailed Stable Diffusion vs Dall-E comparison, Stable Diffusion is the clear winner as it beats Dall-E across multiple categories. 

While Dall-E is ahead of Stable Diffusion in terms of prompting, text rendering, and even ease of use for some, it’s still way behind across many other aspects such as fine-tuning, pricing, inpainting, censorship, and more. 

Both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E can be used to generate beautiful and stunning images, but if you want the complete package, then Stable Diffusion is as good as it gets. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about Stable Diffusion and Dall-E: 

How is Stable Diffusion different from DALL-E?

While there are many differences between Stable Diffusion and Dall-E, the biggest one is that Stable Diffusion gives you a lot of features and control over how images are generated whereas Dall-E only lets you generate images by just writing a simple prompt. 

Which is one more cost-effective, Stable Diffusion or Dall-E? 

Both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E can be used for free but Stable Diffusion is more cost-effective if you’re using it locally on your device as it’s completely free. 

Can I sell my images generated from Stable Diffusion and Dall-E?

Yes, you can sell the images generated using both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E. 


I’d like to conclude this comprehensive comparison by making a note that while both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E have their differences, both are more than capable of generating beautiful images. 

At last, I’d just recommend you to try both and decide which one aligns with your needs and requirements more. 

If you have any questions about this guide, feel free to drop your questions in the comments below.


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